My older brother Andy's birthday is this week, and I felt we needed an odd metaphor to celebrate the event. Not that he's odd, but not that he's normal either; none of us Harrisons are all that normal, which is a good quality, I feel.
I decided to take a metaphor of the week--in honor of all that--from one of my favorite non-normal students--Jordan, who is in seventh grade. Jordan is an incredible young man who can amazingly build anything out of a piece of construction paper. He tried to start an Origami Club this year, but no one else seemed interested. I told him that--based on his amazing creations this year (his stereo-optic viewing box for one of his essays, his pet construction paper Phoenix that actually flaps its wings, etc.) that we will make sure his club "flies" next year. I told him he could make a fortune selling fellow students replicas of his Phoenix; it's quite incredible.
Anyway, Jordan, you are this week's "Metaphor of the Week" winner, and I love the weirdness of your metaphor. You explore things with such interesting perspectives, and I am proud your metaphor shows that. Good work, my young writer and friend.
--Mr. Harrrison