
A shout out to my author-friend Barry Lane who started a new blog as his New Year's Resolution too.  Barry's Blog is called 1000 Things To Write About.

One of my workshop's Seven Elements of a Differentiated Writing Lesson is giving students choice in two areas: in writing topics and in steps of the writing process.  As anyone who studies differentiated instruction knows, choice is a powerful motivator to get more buy-in, especially from those reluctant writers.

51 Wacky We-Search Reports: Face the Facts With Fun
It sounds like Barry's blog is going to feature many choices of interesting things to write about, and the great man Barry is providing a model of the writing he'd do with each topic idea he posts.

Barry Lane is a wise man.  I've always thought so.  My favorite title from this author is 51 Wacky We-Search Reports.  Do any of you have a favorite title?  Share it!



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