
Our March Writer's Notebook Bingo Cards "Center-Square Lesson" was entitled "Rhyming Slogans Across the Curriculum."  I quickly discovered which of my students rhyme easily and which students can hardly rhyme to save their lives.  All in all, it was a fun month though...even for those who struggled.

I just published ten fun examples from (mostly) my seventh grader's notebooks.  I'm not sure why the sixth and eighth graders' pages were so "less than stellar," but they were.  I've challenged them to outshine every seventh grader with April's notebook challenge.

Please feel free to visit my Rhyming Slogans Across the Curriculum Student Samples Page to see the wonderful work my students do.  Next year, to have my notebook and ten pages from these students to show next year's students...well, I can hardly wait to teach this lesson again next spring; the more samples you have to share, I have found, the better off the lesson is.  I believe this whole-heartedly.

Here is one of my favorite samples, from my wonderful student, Wonje:



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  1. Good day, Corbett,

    Thank you for sharing your approach to Rhyming Slogans Across the Curriculum.
    I teach fourth grade and am looking for creative ways to implement writing other than the structured writing block typically found in any classroom in which direct and modeled or shared writing occurs. Indeed this has tremendous purpose, but I fear I am squelching students' personal creativity given the structure, and worse, once they have poured their proverbial hearts onto their pages, I must provide feedback. Sadly, much of the feedback is corrective as we now have a culture of shortcuts and blatant ignorance of writing conventions.

    However, using your approach, students are free to express themselves creatively and reflect and record their understanding of concepts and content matter. This fosters creative reflection and licence to express themselves without the constraints of true conventions.

    I have recently implemented your strategies in social studies primarily, and have noticed tremendous engagement in students desire and thoughtfulness to record their understanding freely; all the while adhering to the rhyme and rhythmic structures of poetry.

    Thank you for helping me release my students' creativity in writing all the while using content as the subject matter.


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